Stress-Busting workshops
for your workplace
For women's or mixed groups
You need to address wellbeing and you want emotionally resilient staff. Our 'No-nonsense Stress-Busting' sessions and programmes give your people an effective stress-busting session that has real impact with immediate benefits.
'Stress-Busting' workshops for for a team or service - providing a self-help approach through delivery of straightforward, practical and effective techniques to tackle stress and the challenges of life, work and dealing with difficult people.

Harrogate & District NHS Foundation Trust
Family Health Service Development Day for 70 staff
'stress-busting' for your event
A 'stress-busting' session as part of your team development day or service away day fits in with your agenda to meet the staff wellbeing outcomes you want.
Uplifting, empowering and 'edutaining', 30 - 90 minute sessions giving your people practical and effective life skills they can use in dealing with their daily challenges of life and work.
Team Manager Donna Scott: "Thank you Gillian for an amazing, motivating and uplifting session
Staff Feedback:
Uplifting and empowering; Absolutely fabulous, great tips and advice; A lovely end to the day, very uplifting; Brilliant, very empowering; Fantastic and energetic session; Fab!!; Great cheerful session with amazing techniques; So inspirational and easy to do!; Unique speaker! No-one could leave your session flat!; Totally invigorating.
AND... Staff wellbeing meets stand-up comedy!

Stress -busting
For your workplace,
event or Away day
Engaging 90-minute/2-hour
sessions, with positive
impacts for attendees
Perfect for an
'Away Day' or whole team event.
Bespoke workshops
90-minutes: Cost: £500
2 hours: Cost: £600
for up to 30 people
+ £10 per additional person
up to 100 people